Wednesday, August 27, 2008


"Love is like swallowing hot chocolate before it has cooled off. It takes you by surprise at first, but keeps you warm for a long time."

I fear love because it makes you feel like a child, it renders your emotions uncontrollable. You feel things you can’t describe; it wakes you up in the middle of the night – scorching you brain with thoughts and passions. Love sucks because it destroys islands, one can longer exist on their own; instead they spend every waking moment courting that ‘other’, fighting to turn one into two. It opens your eyes to the fact that the essence of love is possible. It is possible to step into love’s natural progression, that is, if you are willing to fall. Love hurts because it exposes insecurities but, at the same time, causes nothing else to matter. It hurt because we weren’t granted the ability to know the hearts of others, to read their inner thoughts – all we can work with is what is on the outside, the carnal. But sometimes, some are blessed with the foresight to see that this love is worth pursuing. Some are blessed with the prudence to see that this weakening of the knees, this constant yearning for someone other than one’s self is necessary for ones growth. But, like most things in life, until you experience it, you will never understand; until you love, you will never know.

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